
Micro Diet

By 05:50
Review Summary

Truly authentic products withstand the scrutiny of the marketing authorization as tweed has persisted for decades in spite of fashion trends, do you remember the T-shirts printed 70s? Of course not! Micro power can be like those paper folders disappeared before it has barely begun. Said to be the incredible Micro Diet, therefore, it was not so surprising after all.

Micro seems that the plan had a way to lose weight quickly and safely while feeling good. It has been claimed to provide energy and healthy nutrition to help you look and feel good again. The diet consists of 3-4 meals each day satisfactory, no further details on this information however. The cost was $ 39.70 per week and the only product that the rest of the distribution system is the Micro Bar Peanut original, so it is difficult to say what food could be, but if the images are correct, there may be had a replacement diet liquid meal with a few snack bar options.

Ingredients at a Glance

Peanuts and possibly Soy protein

Ingredients in Focus

We assume that the ingredient used for protein substitutes alleged soybean meal was isolated. Soy protein is a highly refined or purified form of soy protein. Is a meal replacement-based popular protein shakes due to protein quantification of at least 90% and has very few natural sugars. It is claimed that soy protein may reduce the risk of heart disease and help prevent osteoporosis, certain cancers and symptoms of menopause. Understand that drinking protein shakes do not cause weight loss.

The product of Micro-system left in the distribution of a peanut bar is moderately priced.

The Micro-system apparently was not a safe method of weight loss because it did not survive in the market.

Final Thoughts
Do not worry, there are many other methods and products that are on the market to choose weight loss. The most reliable products will educate consumers about the value of a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and participate in some type of physical activity every day. The advantages of any supplement that is claimed to help weight loss efforts are generally based on some of the key ingredients that are consistent with the results of clinical research. In general, you want to look for a product that will help suppress appetite and increase your metabolism as does the hard work of learning how to eat well enough and move your body to burn extra calories work.

Lose 10kg In First Month Using Low Fat Diet Menu

By 05:32

If you strictly follow the rules of this menu low-fat diet, you can get rid of 10 kg per month first.

Low fat diet menu rules:
1. Develop a system and try to eat at the same time.
2. You need to drink a glass of water before each meal. Be on this diet for the day, you should drink a lot more than in the normal diet. Drink when you want to eat (for the first two weeks will be very difficult).
3. Make sure you drink a good multivitamin and mineral and eat more apples.

Products that should form the basis of your diet:
- Mineral water,
- Juice
- Boiled eggs,
- The boiled meat or chicken
- Low-fat cheese,
- Different fruits,
- All vegetables (except potatoes)
- Buckwheat or rice.

Prohibited products:
- Salt
- All bakery products and confectionery,
- Oil (all)
- Different smoked meat and fried,
- Wine and beer
- Sugar and confectionery
- Dairy 1.5% higher fatty
- Spices like ketchup, horseradish and mustard,
- Nuts and chips.

Sample of Low fat diet menu

100 grams of fat-free yogurt, eggs (2-3 times per week), both fruits, 5-6 pc.
A glass of juice or tea or coffee (without sugar and cream).

Take a medium sized bowl, place all the elements on the plate (must be complete).
Peas and canned corn, chicken or beef 100 grams (up to 3 times per week) slurries. Instead of peas and corn can be any type of mixture of raw or cooked vegetables. All fruits and fruit juices.

All the above vegetables or cabbage boiled some rice or buckwheat, left, breakfast yogurt and apple juice or pear.

If they manage to spend a month in the low fat diet plan, you will see a new free 10 kg. It will be very difficult for the first 2 weeks, but after that will be easier.

Do not forget to consult your doctor before using any of these plans daily diet.

7 Days Balanced Healthy Diet Plan

By 05:15

As the authors, the use of this healthy and balanced diet for a week, you cleanse your body of toxins, stimulate work of bowel, increased levels of vitamins, stabilize the level of sugar in the blood and also lose about 8 pounds.

This healthy and balanced diet contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, rich in fiber, which aids digestion, increased fat burning and intestinal own harmful products of metabolism.

Balanced rules of healthy eating:

During the week, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid each day.
Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of skim yoghurt.

Prohibited products:
fat from meat and meat products;
white bread and confectionery;
pasta and grains (except oats);
skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt;
sugar and sweets;

Recommended products:
lean meat, poultry, fish;
fruits and vegetables;
skim milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese;
grain bread;
vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower);

Example menu for the week:

1st day
Breakfast - half a grapefruit, sprinkled with cinnamon, a piece of cheese, rye crackers, unsweetened tea.
Lunch vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast (100 g), carrot salad with corn oil, a glass of prune juice.
Cafeteria - cup plain yogurt with honey (1 tablespoon).
the oatmeal (with water) with fresh or dried fruit, 1 cup of yogurt.

2nd day
Breakfast - (kiwi, banana, raspberry) with plain yogurt.
Lunch vegetable soup with crackers, salad (avocado, tomato, cucumber, lettuce leaves with lemon juice and olive oil) and a fresh peach.
Cafeteria - tea (1 cup).
Dinner boiled fish (100 g), boiled potatoes, cooked zucchini with olive oil (100 g) of tea.

3rd day
Strawberry breakfast (100 g), fresh orange juice.
Lunch vegetable soup, 2-3 potatoes stuffed with tuna, cottage cheese and sweet corn, 2 tomatoes, 5-6 fresh plums.
Cafeteria - mashed fresh fruit with yogurt.
Dinner - boiled chicken (100 g), boiled brown rice (50 g), fresh vegetable salad and a glass of warm milk.

4th day
Breakfast - Muesli (30g) with skim milk, fresh fruit, coffee.
Lunch vegetable soup, chicken, cabbage and cucumber salad with fresh boiled vegetable oil and lemon juice, apple juice (1 cup).
Cafeteria - fresh fruit salad.
Dinner - oatmeal with honey and a slice of cheese, yogurt (1 cup).

Breakfast - salad of pears, apples, bananas, yogurt, cookies, coffee.
Lunch - vegetable soup, cauliflower and strawberries with skim milk.
Sandwich Snack: black bread with salad and slices of avocado, orange juice (1 cup).
Dinner - 2-3 apples and yogurt, a piece of cheese, rye crackers, tea.

Breakfast - toast with tomato and sprinkled with parsley or celery toast, tea with honey.
Lunch - fish soup with vegetables, rye crackers, cooked beef liver (100 g) cooked beets garnished with tomato juice (1 cup).
Cafeteria - natural muesli with low fat yogurt.
Dinner - braised liver (150 g), boiled potatoes (2 steps), 2 tomatoes, tomato juice (1 cup) ..

Breakfast - a piece of ham, tomatoes, pineapple (100 g) hot milk (1 cup).
Lunch - vegetarian vegetable soup with low-fat sour cream, fish stew (100g), cooked beans and decorated with lettuce leaves, 2 apples.
Cafeteria - a glass of fruit juice.
Dinner - Salmon cooked (150 g), coleslaw with olives with lemon juice, kiwi fruit and tea.

Do not forget to consult your doctor before using any of these plans daily diet.

Two Weeks Tuna Diet Plan Which Works

By 04:42

It is a diet plan that works and real tuna can lose 11 pounds in the first two weeks. tuna diet plan is suitable for people who love seafood

Create your own diet menu.
You must choose one of four meal options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

1. two slices of black bread, lettuce, tomato, 50 g of tuna in its own juice.
2. 25 g of flakes (no sugar) with milk, toasted black bread with some jam, a small banana bread.
3. A toast, 50 g of tuna in its own juice, a glass of lemon juice, tomato.
4. 50 g of cooked mushrooms, boiled egg and a slice of grilled bacon and baked in a crunchy cookie, a cup of orange juice.

1. 150 g of tuna and a large portion of mixed salad, filled with lemon juice.
2. 90 g of tuna and a large portion of mixed salad, filled with lemon juice, a small bun.
3. A toast, tuna cooked with a spoonful of tomato sauce and a large portion of green salad, mixed with lemon juice;
4. Sandwich of two slices of brown bread with salad and tuna.
Also, the food should be fresh fruit (choose) - apple, orange, pear, plum or two small bananas.

1. 150 g cooked ham in water, 12 g of spaghetti with tomato sauce, tuna cooked broccoli or cabbage.
2. 250 g chicken, cooked on a grill (without the skin), green beans, cooked tomatoes, 50 g mushrooms cooked in a small amount of chicken broth, a large part of full green salad with lemon juice and cup of yogurt diet.
3. 75 g of lean roast beef with 150 grams of tuna, mushroom soup with onions, tomatoes and spices, 125 g of boiled potatoes, a lot of cabbage and cauliflower.
4. 150g cooked tuna with the addition of lemon juice and 6 g of margarine, zucchini or cauliflower, broccoli, lemon slice.
You should also include fresh fruit after dinner.

Alcoholic beverages and snacks:
A glass of glass of dry wine, crusty bread with salad, small chocolate bars or two biscuits, 150 grams of grapes.

It is recommended to consult a health care professional
before starting any diet.